Our Unique Difference : A Successful In-Company Procurement Experience
We build the quality of our services on 25 Years of Corporate experience in complex and competitive industries in B2B or B2C : Railway Equipment, Automotive, White Goods, Consumer Durables, Construction Equipment, Printing, HealthCare Diagnostics and IT, Construction, FMCG.
From Strategy to Execution, we have delivered or over-delivered each and every time.
The Internal Customers of Procurement can all confirm the ROI value we bring : CEOs, CFOs, BU Presidents, Heads of R&D, CIOs, Project Managers, Heads of Service, Heads of Operations or Manufacturing.
Most of the Procurement Consultancies do not have these capabilities.
Our Vision
Most companies spend 50 to 75% of their COGS at external suppliers and partners who are a prolongation of their own organization.
It is critical to maximize
this spend
those relationships
If done well with the proper leadership, methodologies and tools, this create a competitive advantage
We Offer Strategic or Operational expertise based on
your intermediate and final objectives
the Procurement Maturity you have reached.
Based on the initial assessment, we will support you in your action plans with the adapted processes.

These are the foundations of your journey to make your procurement deliver.
Our approach is hands-on, efficient and simplify your access to leverage your procurement spend.
We focus on delivering where

This is the phase where you accelerate.
You organization has become more savvy, proactive and a recognized partner to your internal customers.

Your Supplier base is now an integral part of your competitive advantage in the areas of cost, quality and innovation.